About earlfishervoices
Guess some people like to know the story behind the person, so here are the relevant facts that have created earlfishervoices, and have shaped me as a voice actor, business person and human being.
- grew up in front of the TV… mimicking all the cartoons and show characters
- got hooked on acting when I was in high school… ah, the power of applause
- won an acting scholarship to Michigan State University and performed extensively in main-stage shows, plus children’s theater tours and summer stock
- became a “go to” guy for advertising students who were looking to trade pizza and beer for voice over services
- earned a MFA degree in Theater from Trinity University, while working at the Dallas Theater Center where I expanded my training to include script writing and directing
- pretty much stopped stage acting, as I began my professional voice over career
- started my first business with my best friend (advertising agency type)… writing, directing and (yes) voicing radio commercials
- eventually, the radio spot work transitioned into creative and production services for TV commercials, corporate video, interactive training and web development
- in the meantime, I fell in and out of love a couple of times, until my dog, Iago, introduced me to my wife (dogs are great for attracting women)
- we’ve been very happily married for 25 years, and we have raised a smart, beautiful, inspired daughter who is (choke, choke) away at college
- I’m filling the “empty-nester” space by discovering new opportunities to create, serve and contribute
Here’s a rare on-camera moment where my reputation for the outrageous led me to this performance for a Texas Instruments sales training intro: Big Earl’s E-prom Emporium. Sorry, but the offer for the free Elvis glassware set has expired!

My “broadcast quality” studio is equipped to provide professional acoustics and isolation, clean recording, and multi-track editing. Sessions can be monitored and directed by my clients. *No charge for studio during recording and “best-take” editing of my voice for auditions and performances.
- 6-inch drywall and cement-board walls and ceiling sandwiching 1/4-inch mass loaded vinyl
- Acoustic control interior panels and bass traps
- Audio-Technica AT4033a mic
- dbx 286A mic processor
- Focusrite digital interface
- Reaper multi-track recording/production software
- Source Connect standard , ipDTL, phone patch, Zoom and Skype
Though the pandemic is over, I’m still working mostly from my home studio, because we discovered it’s faster and more convenient for almost everyone! But happy to record wherever you prefer.

September 9, 2020 6:08 pmHello Earl, I just wanted to ask a few questions.
1. What is your favorite song you recorded as Pasqually? (Who’s pretty much you’re most famous role)
2. Out of all the characters you’ve voiced, which one is your #1 favorite?
3. How are you able to sing so amazingly. You’re just as good as Duncan Brannan! (Does that name ring a bell to you?)
You’re very talented and I hope you read this. Thanks!
September 20, 2020 8:58 pmHi Melody, sorry to take so long to reply, as your comment was lost in a bunch of spam comments! Well, I’m not like a lot of people who have favorites. Yesterday, my favorite color could have been burnt orange and today I’m more in a gray-blue mood. So I don’t have a favorite character, really. Whatever voice I’m doing at the moment is probably my favorite because I just have a blast pretending. And regarding my singing… I’m really not a great singer– from a musical or voice training perspective. Duncan is an excellent singer. What makes my songs work is not the quality of my singing, but the fact that I really get into character, let go and have fun. I think that’s what affects an audience more than anything. Thanks for your questions!
Barry Murphy
July 27, 2018 5:17 pmGreat stuff, Earl! Sooooo talented, and so many variations of voice and character. We will definitely recommend you whenever the opportunity arises. I hope we have some voice-over work soon. The talent search is done.
July 27, 2018 6:27 pmHey Barry, good to hear from you, and thanks so much for your comments! I have always loved the humanistic way you guys work, so I’m happy to help whenever the opportunity arises. Hope all is good for you and ACCLIVUS! Earl
Donna Wheeler
July 27, 2018 5:11 pmGreat website! You are a talented man, Earl. I enjoyed working with you on Acclivus video productions. I think we need to be on the lookout for opportunities to leverage your fabulous range of voices!
July 27, 2018 6:24 pmHey Donna, thanks so much for your comment and endorsement! You know I love working with you guys, so any opportunity to hang out again is great. Hope you and ACCLIVUS are well! Earl